SOCIAL JUSTICE VIGILANCE FORUM offers membership to those who clearly understands the rules given in the byelaw.
Annual membership application fee of Rs. 150 and life membership application fee of Rs. 1500 are available. Fee paid applicant`s application will be considered for membership by central commitee of Social Justice Vigilance Forum. All fee paid applicants are candidate members till the acceptance given by central committee and is eligible for family welfare scheme.
Family welfare scheme includes the financial help of Rs. 10,000 to the nominee or legal nominee against the death of the member/candidate member. Financial help is applicable after 30 days from the date of fee payment and will be extended for 30 days in case of annual membership from the expiry date.
You are invited to be a part of us.
Participation can be at any level whether it is active or passive. We expect your suggestions, ideas, opinion to bring social justice in our society. Participants will be accommodated at the regional basis. Stand together with us for the betterment of our society.


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